Agribusinesses nationwide improve Net Cash Position by millions through tax depreciation

The Australian rural property market has been on a significant upward growth trajectory over recent years, despite periods of widespread drought and various impacts from COVID-19.

This growth and strength have been driven from a combination of record low interest rates and record strong commodity prices. The strong prices are providing many agricultural operators with the most positive cashflows of their lifetimes.

Acumentis has been instrumental in assisting rural and agribusiness owners further maximise their Net Cash Position by providing tailored tax depreciation advice.

When it comes receiving tax depreciation advice it is critical to engage qualified experts who know what to look for and how to provide the most comprehensive tax depreciation schedule to maximise your returns. That’s where our team of qualified rural property valuers and Quantity Surveyor partners can help.

Rural and Agribusiness is in our DNA

At Acumentis we operate a nationwide specialist Rural & Agribusiness team consisting of over 60 valuers, advisors, buyer’s agents and consultants.  

Many members of this specialised team have come from agricultural backgrounds. They are passionate about rural enterprise having previously worked within or run family businesses.

Our team have deep knowledge and expertise across many property and business types, including:

  • Grazing
  • Farming
  • Abattoirs
  • Irrigation
  • Aquaculture
  • Poultry
  • Dairy farms
  • Piggeries
  • Feedlot
  • Grain storage
  • Horticulture
  • Hydroponic
  • Quarries
  • Sugar cane
  • Equine facilities
  • Turf farm
  • Viticulture
  • Winery
  • Orchards
  • Carbon abatement projects
  • Agricultural development



Wherever you are in Australia we will have one of our rural team within reach and will match you with an expert that specialises in your field.

The tax benefits come from the detail

As rural and ag is in our DNA we understand the intricacies of rural property. We conduct thorough inspections and know what items to capture and include in your comprehensive ATO approved depreciation schedule.

It’s always the detail in these inspections that help our clients achieve maximum tax benefit.

We’ve assisted numerous agribusiness owners across Australia in achieving substantial tax depreciation claims through our detailed schedules

See more case studies

Before you engage Acumentis we’ll provide an estimate of the benefits to demonstrate the value of this service. If you proceed the fee is 100% tax-deductible.

If you’re ready for Acumentis to help you claim back more at tax time and maximise your agribusiness or rural property, call us on 1300 882 401 or request a quote. Call us on 1300 882 401 or request a quote

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