Acumentis support Marinus Link in delivering critical renewable energy

Acumentis was successfully appointed as the service provider for easement valuation and acquisition services working on the critical Marinus Link interconnector project on 30 June 2022.

With national energy supplies a critical focus, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is calling for prioritised investment in new transmission lines to ensure the electricity supply is secure and affordable.

More than $12 billion of investment has been highlighted as a top priority for federal and state government approval and progression. AEMO’s Integrated System Plan (ISP), a 30-year roadmap identified critical projects requiring funding to support the supply of reliable and affordable energy, while reaching net zero by 2050.

One of the critical projects identified is Marinus Link and the associated North West Transmission Developments, a 1500-megawatt capacity undersea and underground electricity and telecommunications connection linking North West Tasmania to the Latrobe Valley in Victoria. With Tasmania home to some of Australia’s most cost-effective wind and hydro renewable energy, Marinus link and supporting transmission developments will provide improved access to much needed dispatchable capacity, deep storage, and low-cost electricity generation.  

Marinus Link Route

Image Source: Marinus Link 

The Acumentis Compulsory Acquisition and Compensation team, led by Acumentis Managing Director & CEO Timothy Rabbitt will support the project by working with Marinus, landowners, and businesses through the acquisition of land and easements for the transmission land cables in Victoria.

A spokesperson for Acumentis said, “Acumentis is thrilled to play a role in the Marinus Link project, supporting the delivery of much-needed clean energy to the national grid.  It’s such a critical project in securing energy and transitioning to net-zero by 2050.”  

“We’re pleased to have been selected to provide easement valuation and acquisition services building on our team's expertise in this space. We look forward to working with the Gippsland and Victorian communities and businesses to achieve positive outcomes for all,” they said.

The project is currently in the design and approvals phase where landowner and community engagement, land and easement acquisition are required to finalise the proposed route. With a 4–7-year manufacturing and construction phase, stage 1 (first phase 750MW) is expected to be in service from 2028-29 and second-750 MW) in 2030-31.

Acumentis operates a nationwide specialist infrastructure and acquisition projects group. This specialist team provides valuation and land acquisition expertise to constructing authorities, government departments, corporations, and the resource industry at large.

The team has extensive experience in the assessment of compensation for the acquisition of easements and whole properties having worked on many energy, road and rail corridors, mining and petroleum projects.

Timothy Rabbitt
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

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