Rent roll valuations involve a comprehensive process that considers various factors. Valuers employ an analysis to work out the net management fee income of the rent roll, we then undertake market comparison of other transacted rent rolls to determine a multiplier, the industry standard for buying and selling rent rolls is on a derived multiplier of management fee income. They consider factors such as the number of properties managed, average weekly rent, management fees, geographical spread, property to landlord ratio, ancillary fees and charges, arrears rates, vacancy rates, staff and wages, economic factors, and compliancy to legislation. This holistic assessment provides a comprehensive picture of the rent roll’s value and also a due diligence of how the rent roll is run in comparison to other rent rolls with industry bench marking. Our valuers have a good understanding of the management systems used, the industry and the overall rent roll market in any location across Australia. They are also recognised as Industry leaders in this specialist valuation work and are on numerous bank panels to undertake this work.