Affordable, Community and Social Housing

Social & community housing property valuers

At Acumentis, we understand the critical role that affordable, community, and social housing plays in fostering inclusive communities and addressing the nation’s housing needs. With a commitment to providing comprehensive property valuation and advisory services, we proudly serve clients in this vital sector, including government housing departments and community housing providers. Valuing such properties requires specialised knowledge and understanding of the unique characteristics and regulations of the sector. Our team of professional valuers delivers tailored reports and advice that provide clients with reliable information to make informed decisions regarding their assets in social and community housing.


Our Services

Planning and Advice

Our team of experienced property professionals offer expert advice providing you with the information you need to create value and new homes to meet regulatory requirements and community needs.


Rental Assessments

In a climate where rental income faces many challenges, setting equitable rents is essential. Acumentis provides precise and up-to-date rental assessments, incorporating market dynamics, socio-economic factors, and regional variations. Our thorough analysis ensures fair and competitive rental pricing, contributing to the success of your housing programs while ensuring compliance with allowable thresholds.


Valuations for Financial Reporting

Transparency and accountability are paramount in the affordable housing sector. Acumentis provides reliable property valuations for financial reporting purposes, aiding government housing departments and community housing providers in meeting compliance standards and making informed decisions about their property assets.


Insurance Replacement Assessments

Protecting your assets is essential. Our dedicated team conducts comprehensive insurance replacement assessments, ensuring that your properties are adequately covered. We consider factors such as location, current construction costs, professional fees, demolition allowances and escalation factors to provide accurate insurance replacement assessments that safeguard your investments.


Why Choose Acumentis

With a team of over 300 property professionals located in 45 metropolitan and regional offices across the nation, we have the local and national property insights to support your project. Acumentis is committed to building lasting partnerships with our clients. We prioritise open communication, reliability, and a client-centric approach to ensure that our services align with your goals and objectives. Choose Acumentis as your trusted valuation partner in the affordable, community, and social housing sector. Together, let’s build sustainable, inclusive communities and contribute to a brighter national housing future.

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Patrick Monaghan, state_vic, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Property Buyers Agency, 7530, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Student Accommodation, 48515, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_vic
Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Student Accommodation, 48515, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director - Regional Operations Victoria

Joe Porter, state_sa, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Tax Depreciation Schedules Adelaide, 50471, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Estate Planning, 36317, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_sa
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Senior Valuer

James Morrell, state_nsw, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Property Advisory, 9593, Property Valuation, 51470, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_nsw
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Associate Director
Northern Rivers (Lismore, Ballina, Byron Bay)

Sarah Banner, state_qld, Tenant Representation, 7542, Property Advisory, 9593, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Tax Depreciation Schedules Brisbane, 50472, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Property Advisory, 9593, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director - Residential Operations, QLD

Damien Stone, state_vic, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Tax Depreciation Schedules Melbourne, 50475, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Property Buyers Agency, 7530, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Student Accommodation, 48515, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_vic
Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Student Accommodation, 48515, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director Residential - Victoria

Tom McDouall, state_nsw, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Property Advisory, 9593, Estate Planning, 36317, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_act, state_nsw
Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director - Regional Operations (South)

Jack Prosser, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Property Valuation, 51470, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Associate Director

Leon Sleiters, state_tas, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_tas
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347

Tasso Balomenos, state_nsw, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Government Property Services, 8833, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_act, state_nsw
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Senior Valuer

Joe Stansfield, state_tas, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Estate Planning, 36317, Rent Roll Valuation, 49542, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 0, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_tas
Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 0, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director - Tasmania (North)

David Hosking, state_qld, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Estate Planning, 36317, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Government Property Services, 8833, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Property Advisory, 9593, Property Valuation, 51470, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director

Emily Kitto, state_sa, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_sa
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347

Andrew Skilbeck, state_sa, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_sa
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347

Jessica Ayerst, state_wa, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_wa
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Director Valuations

Tom O’Sullivan, state_wa, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Tax Depreciation Schedules Perth, 50476, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_wa
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Associate Director Valuations

Peter Raptis, state_nsw, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Estate Planning, 36317, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_act, state_nsw
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Director - Prestige Valuations

John Burke, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Tax Depreciation Schedules Gold Coast, 50474, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Gold Coast

Mark Robins, state_sa, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Tax Depreciation Schedules Adelaide, 50471, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Estate Planning, 36317, Fund Forecasts, 9693, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_nt, state_sa
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director SA

Carlo Lando, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Funeral Parlours, 48537, Health & Medical, 48171, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Racecourses, 48628, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Funeral Parlours, 48537, Health & Medical, 48171, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Racecourses, 48628, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director - Townsville

Pat Lyons, state_qld, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Estate Planning, 36317, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Abattoirs, 46991, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Carbon, 47029, Natural Capital, 46955, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Feedlots, 46954, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Horticulture & Orchards, 46982, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Pigs, 46934, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Sugar Cane, 46968, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Turf Farm, 46985, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Abattoirs, 46991, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Carbon, 47029, Natural Capital, 46955, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Feedlots, 46954, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Horticulture & Orchards, 46982, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Pigs, 46934, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Sugar Cane, 46968, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Turf Farm, 46985, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director

Melissa Eilers, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director
Hervey Bay

Matthew Davis, state_nsw, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Property Advisory, 9593, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Tenant Representation, 7542, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Estate Planning, 36317, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_nsw, state_vic
Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director
Albury - Wodonga

James Lockwood, state_nsw, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Aquaculture, 47014, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Poultry, 46871, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Macadamia Farms, 46983, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Wind, 46997, Renewable Energy, 46606, Wineries, 46987, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Bowling Alleys, 48598, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_act, state_nsw
Aquaculture, 47014, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Poultry, 46871, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Macadamia Farms, 46983, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Wind, 46997, Renewable Energy, 46606, Wineries, 46987, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Bowling Alleys, 48598, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
National Director - Projects, Infrastructure & Acquisition

David Duffield, state_tas, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Estate Planning, 36317, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Hotels, 48567, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Nightclubs, 48631, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_tas
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Hotels, 48567, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Restaurants & Cafes, 48558, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Nightclubs, 48631, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director - Tasmania (South)

Chris Anderson, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules Sunshine Coast, 50477, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Regional Director
Sunshine Coast

Brad Mazza, state_wa, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Tenant Representation, 7542, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Estate Planning, 36317, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_wa
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director - Residential WA

Annette Smith, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Tenant Representation, 7542, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_qld
Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
State Director Regional Operations (North)

Damien Burley, state_nsw, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Acquisition & Compensation, 7178, Litigation and Legal Advisory Services, 7433, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Rural & Agribusiness, 8446, Estate Planning, 36317, Tax Depreciation Schedules, 50470, Abattoirs, 46991, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Aquaculture, 47014, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Poultry, 46871, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Dairy, 46609, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Feedlots, 46954, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Macadamia Farms, 46983, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Horticulture & Orchards, 46982, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Sugar Cane, 46968, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Wind, 46997, Renewable Energy, 46606, Wineries, 46987, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Hotels, 48567, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Rental Assessment & Valuations, 50258, Dwellings, 48749, state_national, state_act, state_nsw
Abattoirs, 46991, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Aquaculture, 47014, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Poultry, 46871, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Farming, 46978, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Dairy, 46609, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Equine, 46952, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Feedlots, 46954, Intensive Animal Farming, 46930, Grain Storage, 46990, Infrastructure Assets, 46989, Irrigation & Hydroponics, 46996, Water & Irrigation, 46994, Grazing, 46967, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Macadamia Farms, 46983, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Horticulture & Orchards, 46982, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Solar, 46922, Renewable Energy, 46606, Sugar Cane, 46968, Grazing & Farming, 46966, Viticulture, 46986, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Wind, 46997, Renewable Energy, 46606, Wineries, 46987, Horticulture & Viticulture, 46981, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Hotels, 48567, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, B&Bs, 48572, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Caravan Parks, 48579, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Wash, 48603, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Pubs, 48586, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Golf Courses, 48600, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Rental Assessment & Valuations, 50258, Dwellings, 48749
Senior Director Advisory
Port Macquarie

Nathan King, state_wa, Quantity Surveying, 9018, Fund Forecasts, 9693, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Tax Depreciation Schedules Perth, 50476, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Property Buyers Agency, 7530, Estate Planning, 36317, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 0, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_wa
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 0, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
National Director – Advisory, State Director – WA Operations

Paul Robbins, state_qld, Commercial Property Valuations, 51439, Tenant Representation, 7542, SMSF Property Valuation, 7591, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Estate Planning, 36317, Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Bowling Alleys, 48598, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Function Centres, 48625, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Funeral Parlours, 48537, Health & Medical, 48171, Hospitals & Medical Centres, 48533, Health & Medical, 48171, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Nightclubs, 48631, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Swimming Pools, 48621, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Theatres, 48616, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Build to rent, 48518, Development, 48172, state_qld
Residential Development, 48504, Development, 48172, Commercial Development, 48510, Development, 48172, Subdivisions, 48513, Development, 48172, Boarding Houses, 48570, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Bowling Alleys, 48598, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Car Yards, 48613, Automotive Industries, 48495, Car Parks, 48608, Automotive Industries, 48495, Child Care Centres, 48556, Child Care & Education, 48344, Cold Storage, 48553, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Function Centres, 48625, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Specialist Disability Accommodation, 48522, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Education Facilities, 48560, Child Care & Education, 48344, Food Processing, 48550, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Funeral Parlours, 48537, Health & Medical, 48171, Hospitals & Medical Centres, 48533, Health & Medical, 48171, Clubs, 48618, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Vets, 48544, Health & Medical, 48171, Motels, 48575, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Nightclubs, 48631, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Convent & Monastery, 48534, Religious, 48496, Places of Worship, 48541, Religious, 48496, Retail Stores, 48574, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Supermarkets, 48583, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Self Storage, 48547, Industrial Real Estate, 48502, Service Stations, 48594, Automotive Industries, 48495, Shopping Centres, 48566, Retail & Shopping, 48499, Swimming Pools, 48621, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Theatres, 48616, Leisure & Tourism, 48492, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, Build to rent, 48518, Development, 48172
State Director Commercial QLD

Mike Henderson, state_qld, Residential Property Valuations, 51473, Family Law & Legal, 51457, Stamp Duty Assessments, 7731, Capital Gains Tax, 11295, Estate Planning, 36317, Insurance Valuation Services, 7477, Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347, state_national, state_qld
Houses, 48789, Dwellings, 48749, Prestige, 48804, Dwellings, 48749, Units & Apartment, 48800, Dwellings, 48749, Residential Development Land, 48814, Land, 48787, Rural Lifestyle, 48808, Dwellings, 48749, Vacant Residential Land, 48810, Land, 48787, Affordable, Community and Social Housing, 48527, Social Infrastructure, 48347
Group Executive Director – Residential Operations


Affordable, Community and Social Housing

Social & community housing property valuers

At Acumentis, we understand the critical role that affordable, community, and social housing plays in fostering inclusive communities and addressing the nation’s housing needs. With a commitment to providing comprehensive property valuation and advisory services, we proudly serve clients in this vital sector, including government housing departments and community housing providers. Valuing such properties requires specialised knowledge and understanding of the unique characteristics and regulations of the sector. Our team of professional valuers delivers tailored reports and advice that provide clients with reliable information to make informed decisions regarding their assets in social and community housing.


Our Services

Planning and Advice

Our team of experienced property professionals offer expert advice providing you with the information you need to create value and new homes to meet regulatory requirements and community needs.


Rental Assessments

In a climate where rental income faces many challenges, setting equitable rents is essential. Acumentis provides precise and up-to-date rental assessments, incorporating market dynamics, socio-economic factors, and regional variations. Our thorough analysis ensures fair and competitive rental pricing, contributing to the success of your housing programs while ensuring compliance with allowable thresholds.


Valuations for Financial Reporting

Transparency and accountability are paramount in the affordable housing sector. Acumentis provides reliable property valuations for financial reporting purposes, aiding government housing departments and community housing providers in meeting compliance standards and making informed decisions about their property assets.


Insurance Replacement Assessments

Protecting your assets is essential. Our dedicated team conducts comprehensive insurance replacement assessments, ensuring that your properties are adequately covered. We consider factors such as location, current construction costs, professional fees, demolition allowances and escalation factors to provide accurate insurance replacement assessments that safeguard your investments.


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With a team of over 300 property professionals located in 45 metropolitan and regional offices across the nation, we have the local and national property insights to support your project. Acumentis is committed to building lasting partnerships with our clients. We prioritise open communication, reliability, and a client-centric approach to ensure that our services align with your goals and objectives. Choose Acumentis as your trusted valuation partner in the affordable, community, and social housing sector. Together, let’s build sustainable, inclusive communities and contribute to a brighter national housing future.


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